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California Connections Series: Fix PAGA Briefing

Fix PAGA Briefing

Enacted in 2004, California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) was intended to be a more effective way to help workers resolve labor disputes. But this lawsuit-first approach has doubled the time to resolve worker claims and has led to lawyers making billions while workers get pennies on the dollar. Small businesses, non-profits, and local governments have become major targets for these predatory lawsuits, often for minor technical violations. 

A broad coalition of businesses have qualified a measure on the November General Election ballot calling on the State Legislature to fix PAGA to create a better and fairer system. Their proposal seeks to expand on existing Labor and Workforce Development Agency processes to streamline resolution, minimize the need for lawsuits, and help ensure swift and fair recovery for workers.

PAGA has had a significant impact on businesses across the state, and we want to ensure our members are informed on the facts of this initiative, so we’ve invited the coalition’s spokespersons Kyle Griffith and Garrett Cyr to speak at our California Connections meeting next Tuesday, February 27. Join us to learn more about the initiative, share your perspectives, and get answers to your questions.

Kyle Griffith, Senior Account Supervisor and Coalitions Director with BCFS Public Affairs, has worked on ballot initiative, legislative, issue advocacy, and regulatory campaigns. Griffith specializes in grassroots outreach, mobilization, and coalition building. Through the rigors of various statewide ballot measure campaigns, he has developed strong relationships with diverse advocacy organizations throughout the state.

Prior to BCFS, Griffith was an intern for Congressman Jeff Denham where he fielded constituent calls and comments and managed databases.

Garrett Cyr, Account Executive with BCFS Public Affairs, works on high visibility statewide ballot measures and public affairs issue campaigns. Cyr assists with policy research, building statewide coalitions, communications, and managing social media and digital campaigns. 

Prior to BCFS, Cyr worked for Riverside County Supervisor Kevin Jeffries where he helped coordinate grassroots efforts between the office and its constituents and gained experience in community outreach and mobilization.

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